Chiropractic Treatment: Prenatal Discomfort
If you are suffering from prenatal discomfort, you are not alone. But, more importantly, relief is available through painless, gentle prenatal chiropractic adjustments. Prenatal Chiropractors provide safe and effective treatments. Chiropractic adjustments can help reduce or eliminate back pain, hip pain, and joint pain usually associated with pregnancy. Optilife’s prenatal chiropractors are ICPA Webster Certified and specialize in providing safe and effective chiropractic prenatal care.
Optilife has unique adjusting tables, pillows, and equipment to ensure moms are safe and comfortable during their adjustments.
For relief from prenatal discomfort
call (813) 926-9500
Chiropractic Treatment for Prenatal Discomfort
Women often experience various levels of prenatal discomfort during their pregnancy in their back, hips, abdomen and knees. Routine chiropractic adjustments can help to reduce or eliminate these problems and help ensure a healthy delivery.

Webster Technigue
The Webster Technique is a specific analysis and therapy of the sacral area. By carefully performing a sacral adjustment, the spine, hip bones, ligaments and muscles are in the best position to hold the pregnancy and allow for more comfortable growth of the baby during pregnancy.

Massage Therapy
Active massage therapy during pregnancy helps to relax the body while strenghtening and elongating muscles. Soft tissue mobilization enables clinicians to treat problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves. Cherie, Optilife’s Massage therapist, is certified in massage therapy for pregnant women.
Helping You Live Your Optimal Life
Same Day Appointments are Often Available.