Chiropractic Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Chiropractic treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is painless and effective. Usual treatments include adjustments to the wrist and entire spine and several different therapies to reduce swelling and wrist pain. In addition, cold laser treatments can be very effective in reducing pain and swelling.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is often caused by repetitive use movements of the wrist that can cause swelling and nerve damage. Swelling puts pressure on the medial nerve. Usually, this results in pain, numbness, tingling, and hand weakness. Other medical problems may often exist, including diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid dysfunction, etc.
Additionally, chiropractic care is known to help blood flow through the body and ensure all nerves are impingement free and healthy.
Other therapies may be used when treating carpal tunnel syndrome. Patients are recommended to stop or change any repetitive motions that may have caused the condition. A wrist brace may be temporarily necessary to prevent the activity and rest the wrist to allow treatments to be successful.
It is essential to seek a diagnosis and treatment early to eliminate more extensive nerve damage.
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Chiropractic treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome
Full body adjustments along with adjustments of the affected wrist are often effective in treating carpal tunnel syndrome. Additonal therapies may be used to reduce swelling, alleviate pain, and strengthen muscles.

Cold Laser & Physical Therapy
Cold Laser and physical therapy treatments are used as therapeutic options in treating carpal tunnel syndrome. Cold Laser treatments help to reduce inflammation and promote the healing process. Physical therapies are used to stretch and strengthen muscle groups which will support proper alignment of the joint.

Kinesiology Tape
Using kinesiology tape or wrist splints may help the inflammation to go down and relieve the pain. Wrist splints also help to change the angle of your wrist while performing normal movements which may also help to reduce further injury.
Dr. Danielle Hoeffner is very experienced in using kinesiology tape to reduce the strain and pain of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Ice Therapy
Frequent ice therapy should be used to help reduce the swelling. Reducing the swelling will help to alleviate the pressure on the nerve and reduce pain. Using ice three to four times a day for 15-20 minutes is recommended.
“Best Chiro office I’ve ever been to! Minimal wait time. Dr. Danielle Hoeffner is very educated and the kindest person I’ve ever met. Highly recommend Optilife!!!“
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